
Project 2: Site Specific Vinyl Decal This decal was installed on the glass window of the back door in my high school art room. The door leads out to the court yard where I spend a lot of time in high school. The decal is a phrase often stated by my high school art teacher as she’d walk around the room reminding us to push contrast in our artworks.
In Class Exercise- Personal Logo 1. Do a few searches on your favorite brands, notice what stands out to you about their logo/brand identity.  Make a list of what visual elements you are drawn to. -Simple/ Minimal designs -Communicate a clear message -Use of minimalist text and clean lines -Simple Imagery   2. Do some general searches on common logos. Make a list of what elements stand out to you (positively or negatively) -Use of color based on brand's identity -Imagery -Hidden elements -Text vs. Just Imagery   3. Make a list of all the nicknames you have had in your life choose one or two to make a personal logo. Jake The Snake Jakester Jakey Poo Jakey Jacobis Eduardo Jacobis Witness  
BLOG RESPONSE 3: "Vandals or Visionaries? The Ethical Criticism of Street Art" Mary Beth Willard - Weber State University In my opinion, the article made some very valid points on the critique of street art. I personally believe that street art is a pleasant addition to a city. We see results of this in Philly where you can't travel a city block without seeing a mural painted on the side of a high rise building. I also believe that graffiti done on property in some cases has the same effect. Graffiti is expressive of the people who actually live in that location, so works of art expressing emotion are super valid. The author also helped to point out the fact that uselessly vandalizing property with less artistic graffiti is not okay.
Project 1: Multi-Faceted Self Pre-Project Research Questions: Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity?  I am a gay man, a lover of animals, nature, and travel. My art is truly how I express myself. Everything I love is put into my artwork and they all carry a common trait and style throughout.  How does your presence on social media reflect that identity?  I do not use social media a whole bunch, but I do enjoy looking at others for inspiration in art, fashion, and travel. How do your friends reflect that identity?  My friends and family are everything to me. I keep my circle very small, and get super close to them. I enjoy spending time with people and just talking and learning about their live experiences and hobbies. How do your values reflect that identity? My values are very personal, and often differ from those around me. I stick to what I've worked so hard to believe in and that's one thing I am not going to change.
Franken Animal- What characteristics make up your personality? (energetic, talkative, thoughtful, brave)  Outgoing, Adventurous, Energetic, Caring, Creative Is there something distinct about your appearance that feels like an important part of who you are? (Hair, eyes, height, skin color)  I have blue hair...that's about it Is there an activity that you love? (travel, building things, singing, climbing)  Traveling, Sleeping, Painting Is there a creature that you've felt an affinity to for a long time?   I really like Armadillos, Bats, Moths, and Secretary Birds. Though, when I was a kid my favorite animal was a flamingo. What animals could embody the characteristics you listed above?  Sloth, because they're lazy and sleep a lot. Elephants, because they paint sometimes... What location(s) would this new creature exist in?  A magic forest with lots of flowers
"Black and Blue: American Artist is Redefining How We Think About Race in the Digital Age"      - Alex Greenberger An artist in America had their name legally changed to American Artist, using they/them pronouns in order to tackle societal structures. American Artist has rose to become one of the most popular emerging New York artists. Artist tackles issues including racism, police violence, social media, and the modern digital world. Artist plays with the ideas of identity in today's world throughout his artworks.
Collecting the Internet: What will you collect?      I chose to make a collection inspired by all of the green witchy items that I own. How many images will you use?      I chose to do seven objects, just because seven is a lucky number.   Where will you source your images?     I will get all of my images off of google images. Why did you choose to collect what you did?      Earlier today, I took a picture looking out of my dorm room window with all of my plants and things in it, which inspired me to chose the color green as an overall parameter. The other elements like the crystals and the moth came after choosing the plants.