Project 1: Multi-Faceted Self

Pre-Project Research Questions:
  • Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity? 
    • I am a gay man, a lover of animals, nature, and travel.
    • My art is truly how I express myself. Everything I love is put into my artwork and they all carry a common trait and style throughout. 
  • How does your presence on social media reflect that identity? 
    • I do not use social media a whole bunch, but I do enjoy looking at others for inspiration in art, fashion, and travel.
  • How do your friends reflect that identity? 
    • My friends and family are everything to me. I keep my circle very small, and get super close to them. I enjoy spending time with people and just talking and learning about their live experiences and hobbies.
  • How do your values reflect that identity?
    • My values are very personal, and often differ from those around me. I stick to what I've worked so hard to believe in and that's one thing I am not going to change.
  • Is there a difference between your internal and external self?
    • 100%, I feel that I act the way that i feel inside, I definitely do not hide my emotions very well. But, I do feel that I do not look the way I feel inside, and that's a battle I've dealt with for a long time.
  • How do you present an image that communicates your personality?
    • I would illustrate my personal interests, fashions, and beliefs in all of my artworks/ images. I would present it to my friends and family and maybe social media depending on if I like it or not..
"Magick Mind"
Post-Project Response Questions:
  • How do you feel about the overall outcome of this piece in relation to your art making process?

  • In what way did you integrate your personal art practice into this project?

  • How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece?

  • Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?

  • Reflect on the project critique: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.

  • Please share any other thoughts.


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